Categorycontent marketing

How to Write a Great B2B Blog Post Intro

One would imagine that blog post introductions need to be tighter, more interesting, and more relevant to the reader. Instead, most intros sound like college research papers—dry, generic, and repetitive. And, unfortunately for these brands, I’m not the only one who’s noticed. Every time I attend a conference or launch a thread on social media, I receive tons of comments from marketing peers who...

SaaS Marketing – How to Create Customer Personas That Work

One of the biggest SaaS marketing mistakes that I see companies routinely make is targeting too broad of an audience.  While this may seem obvious, if you try to speak to everyone, you end up resonating with no one. Instead, you need to focus on the people that are most likely to convert into sales. This is where customer personas – a.k.a. buyer personas – can come in handy. Creating...

I hired 7 content mill writers and this is what I learned

As a copywriter and content strategist, my expectations going into this content mill experiment were low. I understand the amount of work that goes into developing a great piece of content. However, since some people are still buying from content mills, I wanted to conduct an experiment to see the level of quality that I could get for under $60.    For the experiment, I spent $321 USD and hired 7...

75+ Useful Tools For Community Managers and Content Marketers Under $100

There’s no shortage of tools out there for community managers and content marketers. With new tools being added everyday and even more existing ones being updated, it can be hard to keep track (let alone know) which one to use. I created a list by category of some of my favorite tools. All of these tools are priced under $100 per month. Many are even free or have a freemium version. Social...