
My No BS Advice For 2013 College Grads

Here’s a dirty little secret.  Your college degree doesn’t matter. It’s just a piece of paper that you spent thousands- if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in tuition money- to get after walking across that big shiny stage. Your college classes, college major and that shiny piece of paper with your name on it (ie. diploma) don’t define you. Anyone can learn how to...

The Rise Of “The Self-Help Generation”

A few days ago, I was browsing Amazon trying to find a new book to read. I was having a hard time finding anything that looked even remotely worth reading. Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy (Yeah, no thanks.) The Hunger Games (I’m not fourteen.) JK Rowling’s new book (I’ll think I’ll pass because I can’t imagine her writing anything other than Harry Potter books.) Then, I...

The Best Advice Ever Received . . .

I asked 30 people, who I greatly admire and respect, one question: “What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?” Here are their responses. 1. “There are doers, and there are people who talk about doing. Be a doer.”– DJ Waldow (@djwaldow) 2. “Ignore your instincts at your own peril.”– Srinivas Rao (@skooloflife) 3. “The best...

Click Here For An Excuse

In need of a little Monday morning inspiration. Here’s some from my all-time favorite poem as well as from Wedding Crashers. Rule #76: Play Like a Champion.  I don’t have time. I don’t feel well. It’s not good enough. I’m not inspired. I got a case of the Mondays. I’m too fat. I’m too skinny. I am not a fit. It’s too hard. My cat ate it. I...

My Advice To New Grads

Congrats, new grads! You made it. You just walked across that big stage, and got that shiny new diploma. (Go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back.) I bet you are on top of the world right now. Filled with excitement and the desire to achieve great things. You likely heard some rendition of this speech at your graduation ceremony. It goes a little something like this, “You have...

The Perils Of Getting Lucky

I had a conversation about luck awhile ago with a mentor. One point he said stuck with me. He said he didn’t believe in luck. At first, I thought this was a little strange. I mean, everyone gets lucky at some point. Maybe you found a $20 bill on the sidewalk? Or you won the lottery. Wouldn’t that be awesome? Then, I started thinking about it. Most of the lucky scenarios I thought...

5 Apps To Stay Organized In 2012

It’s the beginning of the year. Most of us are filled with optimism, excitement and big ambitions for the upcoming year. I know I am. Whether you have made lofty resolutions or just set out small benchmarks for the year, you are probably going to need to stay organized to reach these milestones. One of the best ways I stay organized is through my trusty smartphone. I wanted to share my five...

Is Your College Diploma A Piece of Crap?

Professional success is a funny thing. For so many, we follow a traditional path: Graduate high school, go to college, choose a “responsible major,” graduate college, get a job, work hard, and then professional success will follow. Maybe, throw graduate school into the mix at some point. That’s the mindset that most people have. For a long time, myself included. A lot of people...

Hey Early Adopters, Stop Trying To “M-A-S-H” The Future!

Do you remember the game, MASH? If you grew up in the 80s and 90s, you probably know the mansion-apartment-shack-house (MASH) game. Well, I used to play this game all the time with my friends back in the good ole days of elementary school. Essentially, the whole point of the game was to come up with a set of lists, each with four-five choices, and then you and your friend would randomly go...

Hey Students, 7 Tips To Ace Your Summer Internship

As someone who has been in the working world for about a year and half, I can honestly say that the three internships I had in college were so helpful. Not only did I learn a ton, but I also was able to gain a better impression for what it means to be working full-time post college. I firmly believe that no amount of classroom learning can replace what you learn in an internship. With that being...