
7 Surefire Ways To Destroy Your Company’s Social Media Presence

Your company’s social media presence is a precious thing. It can be a valuable customer service tool, generate leads and even increase sales. But often times, what we are doing on these sites is hurting our brand’s reputation. Here are seven surefire ways to completely destroy your company’s social media presence. 7.  Sync All Your Social Media Accounts Together It may be a...

Are Community Managers Becoming Obsolete?

Social media is now firmly rooted in the PR/marketing worlds of a majority of businesses. With that, the roles are beginning to evolve. The hard sell approach that the old-time social media consultants (By old time, I mean 2006-2009) used to get people on Facebook and Twitter is no longer relevant. Most people know they need to be on social media sites. Now, it’s about figuring out exactly...

Why All Community Managers Should Watch “Good Burger”

One of my biggest community manager epiphanies came from an unlikely source. It came while I was re-watching one of my favorite movies from my childhood- “Good Burger.” In case you lived under a rock in the 1990s, Good Burger was about two teenagers, (played by the stars of the TV show “Kenan and Kel”) who spent their summer working at a fast food restaurant called Good...

7 Deadly Facebook Sins

This is a follow-up post to last week’s “Seven Deadly Twitter Sins” post. After seeing the overwhelming response to this post, I decided to turn this into a weekly series. This week’s series post is all about what not to do on Facebook. Contrary to many people’s beliefs, social media will amplify your reputation. Here are seven things that will make you look like a...

Guest Post: Why Foursquare Will Continue To Prosper in 2011

Patrick is a senior at the University of South Florida in Tampa. While completing his degree in Mass Communications, he is currently an intern with Sevans Strategy. Patrick has grown up digital and embodies a “connected” lifestyle. Check out his blog here. For some background, this is a guest response post to my previous blog post, Hello 2011, Goodbye Foursquare and Gowalla. In the eyes of...

Hello 2011, Goodbye Foursquare and Gowalla

2010 has really been the year where people discovered location based apps. Apps, such as Foursquare and Gowalla, allow users to “check in” places to earn badges, easily connect with other locals and share tips. It’s a fairly simple concept. I predict that location based functions will explode in 2011. But, I think that will happen due to the largest and newest site to jump on the...

Facebook New Messages Platform: A Gmail Killer? Hardly.

Facebook unveiled it’s new messaging, “not email” platform on Monday. I’m not usually a big fan of all the Facebook changes. But, I can see how this new messaging system will be a nice complement to my existing Facebook personal use. It drastically simplifies the process of communicating with others. The “social inbox” is definitely a plus for personal use. The...

Why I “Unfriended” 100 People In One Night?

Well for starters, how many of you know, “Who all your Facebook friends are?” I admit. I know I didn’t up until recently. I’ve done a lot of thinking recently about how I’ve used Facebook over the years. I’m not particularly fond about how Facebook is evolved. But like so many others, I know I could never just delete my personal account. Let’s face...

Breaking Down Social Media Ninja Turtle Style

*Now, I must confess this post was inspired by my all-time favorite cartoon show: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.* Lately, I’m seeing more people call themselves, “social media ninjas.” I have to say this term is very misleading and in my opinion, should be thrown out. Just like the terms, “guru” and “expert,” “ninja” implies that you know...