Tagsocial media

Hello 2011, Goodbye Foursquare and Gowalla

2010 has really been the year where people discovered location based apps. Apps, such as Foursquare and Gowalla, allow users to “check in” places to earn badges, easily connect with other locals and share tips. It’s a fairly simple concept. I predict that location based functions will explode in 2011. But, I think that will happen due to the largest and newest site to jump on the...

What Happened To Commonsense?

Foursquare, Gowalla, and now Facebook places — as location based apps become more and more mainstream, there are some things that people are forgetting. Now, I’m all about getting on board and adopting the newest trends. Location based apps are great and serve so many great uses. But, there is one big concern. That is, the growing number of people who have little to no commonsense...

How Twitter Changed My Life?

For me, social media plays a big part in my life. Not only do I use it to stay in touch with friends and family, but I also use it EVERYDAY for my job. There’s something about a tool, like social media, that completely blurs the professional and personal lines. It got me thinking. What would happen if I could only be on one social media site. Ultimately, I’d choose TWITTER. It’s...

Breaking Down Social Media Ninja Turtle Style

*Now, I must confess this post was inspired by my all-time favorite cartoon show: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.* Lately, I’m seeing more people call themselves, “social media ninjas.” I have to say this term is very misleading and in my opinion, should be thrown out. Just like the terms, “guru” and “expert,” “ninja” implies that you know...

Social Media: The Early Years

As hard as it is for many to imagine, there were plenty of social networking sites before the Myspace, Facebook and Twitter eras. While many of these early sites may have faded in popularity, the sites started the path towards the “social media revolution.” AOL Chat Rooms: Started: mid-1990s Now while this wasn’t technically a social networking site, it had many of the...

Social Media Rock Stars: Interview with Chris Hughes

Name: Chris HughesTwitter name: @WhosChrisHughesWebsite/Blog link: Area of Expertise: Social Media Marketing & Internet Marketing Favorite cartoon character: Marvin The Martian  First, tell me a little bit about yourself. I’m a 22-year-old guy born and raised in upstate NY, living in Buffalo now and moving to Southern California in September. I’ve had the mind of an...

Social Media Rock Stars: Interview with Colby Gergen

Name: Colby W. Gergen Twitter name: Colbywg Website/Blog link:  Area of Expertise: caffeine intake Favorite cartoon character: Snoopy First, tell me a little bit about yourself. Well let’s see. I’m a strawberry blonde with blue-ish eyes, 5’10” and an athlete… oh, this isn’t a “long walks on the beach” thing? Drats. I’m a junior at The...

Social Media Rock Stars: Interview with Jenn Pedde

Name: Jenn Pedde Twitter name: @JPedde Website/Blog link: thesocialchameleons.blogspot.com Area of Expertise: Social Media/Job Searching/Gen Y Favorite Cartoon Character: Garfield First, tell me a little bit about yourself. I graduated from Syracuse University in 2004, and lived in NYC as a talent agent’s assistant working with big name rap stars like Jay-Z for 3 years before I gave it up...

Social Media Rock Stars: Interview with Rich DeMatteo

Name: Rich DeMatteo Twitter name: @CornOnTheJob Website/Blog link:  Area of Expertise: Recruiting/HR Favorite cartoon character: Peter Griffin from Family Guy Tell me a little bit about yourself. I’m just about 27-years-old and a staffing, recruiting, and HR professional from Philadelphia. I graduated with a Master’s degree in human resources development from Villanova University in...