
A Twitter Chat Crash Course

For those of you who don’t know, I’m a big fan of college sports, especially football and basketball. I’m starting a new Twitter chat with Julia Prior (@julia_prior) called #NCAAchat. The inaugural #NCAAChat is Thursday night at 9:30 p.m. EST. I invite all of you to come on out! In light of the new chat, I wanted to provide a crash course about Twitter chats. In my opinion...

What Happened To Commonsense?

Foursquare, Gowalla, and now Facebook places — as location based apps become more and more mainstream, there are some things that people are forgetting. Now, I’m all about getting on board and adopting the newest trends. Location based apps are great and serve so many great uses. But, there is one big concern. That is, the growing number of people who have little to no commonsense...

How Twitter Changed My Life?

For me, social media plays a big part in my life. Not only do I use it to stay in touch with friends and family, but I also use it EVERYDAY for my job. There’s something about a tool, like social media, that completely blurs the professional and personal lines. It got me thinking. What would happen if I could only be on one social media site. Ultimately, I’d choose TWITTER. It’s...

Breaking Down Social Media Ninja Turtle Style

*Now, I must confess this post was inspired by my all-time favorite cartoon show: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.* Lately, I’m seeing more people call themselves, “social media ninjas.” I have to say this term is very misleading and in my opinion, should be thrown out. Just like the terms, “guru” and “expert,” “ninja” implies that you know...