
Are Community Managers Becoming Obsolete?

Social media is now firmly rooted in the PR/marketing worlds of a majority of businesses. With that, the roles are beginning to evolve. The hard sell approach that the old-time social media consultants (By old time, I mean 2006-2009) used to get people on Facebook and Twitter is no longer relevant. Most people know they need to be on social media sites. Now, it’s about figuring out exactly...

Location Based Marketing: A Missed Opportunity?

Now, I’m a bit of a skeptic when it comes to location based services. I’m still not entirely convinced why  I should be checking into places all the time, and what exactly is in it for me personally. However, I see professionally countless opportunities for myself and other marketing pros to utilize the latest location based services. This became even more apparent when I listened to...

7 Deadly Foursquare Sins

This is a follow-up post to the “Seven Deadly Twitter Sins,” “Seven Deadly Facebook Sins,” Seven Deadly Linkedin Sins and Seven Deadly Email Sins posts. Foursquare became much more prominent in 2010. Here are seven things you should never do on Foursquare. 7. Nobody Cares That You “Checked-In” At Walmart Unless you are Justin Bieber, nobody cares that you “checked...

Guest Post: Why Foursquare Will Continue To Prosper in 2011

Patrick is a senior at the University of South Florida in Tampa. While completing his degree in Mass Communications, he is currently an intern with Sevans Strategy. Patrick has grown up digital and embodies a “connected” lifestyle. Check out his blog here. For some background, this is a guest response post to my previous blog post, Hello 2011, Goodbye Foursquare and Gowalla. In the eyes of...

Hello 2011, Goodbye Foursquare and Gowalla

2010 has really been the year where people discovered location based apps. Apps, such as Foursquare and Gowalla, allow users to “check in” places to earn badges, easily connect with other locals and share tips. It’s a fairly simple concept. I predict that location based functions will explode in 2011. But, I think that will happen due to the largest and newest site to jump on the...

What Happened To Commonsense?

Foursquare, Gowalla, and now Facebook places — as location based apps become more and more mainstream, there are some things that people are forgetting. Now, I’m all about getting on board and adopting the newest trends. Location based apps are great and serve so many great uses. But, there is one big concern. That is, the growing number of people who have little to no commonsense...

Now You “Checked In” Where?: Questionable Foursquare Check-ins

Like it or not, location-based social apps are significantly growing in popularity. Recently, Foursquare reached another milestone: 100 million check-ins. That’s a lot of people checking into a lot of places. With all this check-in fever, there are several places that we really shouldn’t be checking into on Foursquare. The ER This is a bit more concerning than it is creepy. This is...