Categoryviral videos

Why You Shouldn’t Aim To “Go Viral”

What’s the last Web video you watched? Think about it. For me, it was a killer cover of LMFAO, “Sexy And I Know It.” What can I say. I do love discovering and watching pure raw talent on Youtube. Now, think harder. Are you going to remember this video you just watched a week from now. It’s likely a one-hit wonder, clustered in the mind field of dozens upon dozens of videos...

4 Things Kids Can Teach Us About Marketing

There’s a video that’s been making the rounds this week with a little kid’s commentary on brand logos. This seems like a fluffy, feel-good, cute video, which it is. But, there’s some nuggets of wisdom that marketers and advertisers can get from watching this video. 1. First impressions matter. First impressions matter a great deal. The best logos are the ones that are...

Why You Shouldn’t Be Like Old Spice?

Oh Old Spice Campaign, how I have a love-hate relationship with you. I love the initial videos and how you leveraged social media in a new and innovative way. It’s not every day that an ad campaign for a deodorant can garner 30 million views on Youtube. But, lately you’ve grown stagnant. You don’t engage with your fans and followers and now all you are doing is “push...

Pre-Youtube Days: Top 10 Viral Videos

(Post updated 6/29/2019)  Youtube hasn’t been around forever. (insert gasp). In the early days before Youtube became the video-watching/sharing giant, viral videos spread on other sites. Remember Ebaumsworld, Jib Jab and Albino Black Sheep? I’ve compiled a list of ten great videos that went viral before 2005. 10.Jib Jab This Land (2004) 9.Schfifty-Five 8. Wedding First Dance 7. The...